Capel Parish Website

Welcome to Capel Parish Council

Capel Parish Council serves the villages of Five Oak Green, Tudeley, Capel and surrounding settlements. Situated in West Kent between Tonbridge and Paddock Wood, the parish is part of the Borough of Tunbridge Wells.

Neighbourhood Plan

The policies that shape our neighbourhood and drive planning.

Highways & Transportation

Policies affecting how our roads and transport.

What we do

Find out more about what the Parish Council does.

Latest News

Latest News

Recent Notices

Recent Notices

Contact The Council

Contact The Council

We would love to hear your feedback about any issues concerning you. Please visit our contact page to get in touch.

Meet The Councillors

Meet The Councillors

Meet the Councillors, view contact information and the Councillor’s Register of Interests.

Local History

Local History

Our area has a fascinating history. Visit our History page to find out more about the history of our Parish.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Checkout all the upcoming events in our locality. Get involved with your local community. Click the link below to find out more.

Recent Documents

Recent Documents

View and download recent documents including agendas, minutes and financial reports.

Help Centre
Call us
01892 837524
Email us
Visit us
Capel Village Hall, Falmouth Place, Five Oak Green, Tonbridge, Kent TN12 6RD