
Citizen of the Year Award 2021

The closing date for nominations is the 19th July 2021. If there is anyone you think deserves a big “Thank You” from the Community why not let us know?

Please read the explanation of the award and the rules at the bottom of this form.

Please contact the Clerk to Capel Parish Council if you have any queries when completing this form.

Capel Parish Council   – Citizen of the Year Award 2021

Presented by Capel Parish Council

 £500 Community Project Award sponsored by Reddico

    Nominated By


    Reason For Nomination

    (Please give as many details as possible of how the nominee helps in the community. Remember the Councillors may not know this unsung hero(ine) and the amount of information you can give is very important)

    Activities and events during the year and Clubs/Associations involved with...

    (list all that you know of)


    • Nominations can only be made by residents of the Parish of Capel.
    • Nominees can only be residents of the Parish of Capel.
    • Parish Councillors and Parish Council Employees are not permitted to make nominations.
    • Nominations for Parish Councillors and Parish Council Employees will not be considered.
    • Each year a new nomination form should be submitted for each nominee and as much information to be given about what the person does. It is the contents of the nominations, not the amount of nominations that are considered.
    • Nominations should be for individuals, however can be for couples in special circumstances where the contribution to the parish is a totally joint effort. (The prize money would be divided if a couple were to win).
    • Nominations are collected during the year and details of all nominations received are passed to the serving Parish Councillors.
    • Details of nominations remain confidential and are only seen by the Parish Council.
    • The Councillors consider the information submitted for each nomination and there is a closed vote taken.
    • In the event of an equal vote, the sponsors will have the final decision.
    • There is no second prize.


    • £500 for a Community Project or Charity.