Council Members

Committees: Finance and Resources, Planning, Flooding

Charles Mackonochie

Chairman of Flooding Panel, Chairman of Finance & Resources Committee

I moved from Tonbridge to the Parish in 1987, the year of the great storm. The storm damage was my kick-start to helping in our community. I started attending parish council meetings, leading to the Capel Village Plan and in 2006 becoming a Parish Councillor. As a Chartered Surveyor, DIYer, keen motorist, walker and naturalist, so it is no surprise my Council interests are Roads, Transport, and Flooding. I enjoy active roles with Capel Village Hall, St Thomas à Becket Church, Capel Path Rangers, and Capel Fete (fun time)! My goals: Improving safety for pedestrians, cyclists, riders and all road users; protecting rural bus services; continuing my investigations into finding solutions to all Parish flooding; ensuring the parish is actively involved in the formation of the Tunbridge Wells Local Plan; enhance and improve all recreational facilities and for everyone to enjoy living in the Parish. Thank you all for allowing me to continue pursuing these goals.


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