Design Codes

Design Codes

The Neighbourhood Plan Working Party have spent several months developing Design Codes in conjunction with AECOM.

We are now delighted to share this report with you

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The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (paragraph 126) notes, ‘good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, creates better places in which to live
and work and helps make development acceptable to communities’.
Research, such as for the Government’s Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment has shown that good design of buildings and places can improve health and well-being,
increase civic pride and cultural activity, reduce crime and anti-social behaviour and reduce pollution.
This document seeks to harness an understanding of how good design can make future development as endearingly popular as the best of what has been done before.

Through the Department for Levelling Up, Housingand Communities (DLUHC) Programme led by Locality, AECOM was commissioned to provide design support to Capel Parish Council.
Following the analysis of the parish, a set of architectural and design qualities have been created. This set of qualities combined with good design practice have shaped the
design principles that any development within Capel parish should follow in order to comply with this Design Guidelines and Codes document.