
Visioning & Design Workshop 12 March 2022

Vision For Capel 2040: ‘Parking the Elephant’*

Capel Parish Council and Capel Neighbourhood Plan Working Group invite all Capel residents to a Visioning and Design Codes Workshop.

Capel Village Hall – Saturday March 12th 10.00 am to 2:15 pm

In the autumn of 2020 over two hundred households in our community completed the ‘Vision for Capel’ Questionnaire about the future of our parish over the coming years. In the months since, the Parish council Neighbourhood Plan Working Group have been processing the results and working with our consultants have produced an emerging Neighbourhood Plan for Capel Parish with which we hope to shape the future of our community.

Session 1: 10am -12:30 Presentation of policies and visioning workshop.


We now need to test the policies in this plan with local residents and include their input so that we know we represent the views of our community.

Our policies include:

Character, Heritage and Design

Flood Mitigation

Environment and Green Space

Community Facilities and Local Needs Housing

Transport and Movement

There will be short presentations on each of these, following which our community planning advisors will be leading a series of activities designed to test the views of the community and incorporate their ideas into the Neighbourhood Plan.


12:30 -1.00 Buffet lunch provided

Session 2: 1pm -2:15 Design Codes for Capel Parish and workshop


A draft Capel Parish Design code (which should be followed by all developers) will be presented by AECOM our consultants.

Residents will be asked for their views on the characteristics of the parish and those ideas will be used to help draw up the design code.

Put March 12th in your diary and take advantage of this opportunity to help shape the future of our community over the next two decades and more.

This is an open invitation, but it would help us to manage the space and catering needs if you would register your interest by Friday 4th March. Please contact Louise Goldsmith, clerk to Capel Parish Council and Parish Manager email: or phone and leave a message 01892 837524 or 07508 882810. Please bring your smartphone to the session if you have one. These will be useful but not essential to the day’s activities.

*The ‘elephant in the room’ is the TWBC Local Plan proposals for 4160 houses in the parish. These plans are being heard by the Inspector at a Public Inquiry starting in March. Capel Parish Council along with Save Capel will be employing the best legal advisors possible to argue our case and are confident we can persuade the Inspector to change the Plan. However, on March 12th we need to ‘park the elephant’ for the day and focus on what we as a community want to see for the future of our parish over the coming years.