
Parish Chairman’s Notes – June 2021

Parish Chairman’s Notes June 2021

The new Parish Council took office as of 10th May. Most of the existing councillors remain though we welcome two new councillors (Sian Young and Ewan Mackenzie). We also have one vacancy at the time of writing. The council has also changed its email provider and once the emails for the new councillors have been set up, we will provide residents with council email addresses as the main point of contact.

Council meetings can no longer be held remotely but the council still has to abide by government guidelines on social distancing at least until the end of June. We are keeping meetings to a minimum and delegating powers to the clerk working with the Chair of the Council and the Chairs of the committees. The Annual Parish Council Meeting (to choose the Chairman and organise the committees) due to take place on May 17th, will have happened by the time you read this and will be reported on next month. The next Parish Council meeting proper is scheduled for June 1st. If you would like to attend you will need to inform the clerk first, and we will try to accommodate you either remotely or face to face as space allows. For the above reasons there will be no Parish Meeting this year. However, the parish council’s annual accounts are on the website, as are previous copies of this monthly report, and can be found at

Following the further easing of lockdown restrictions, the clerk will be re-opening the parish office from 10am to noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

A reminder that the Regulation 19 consultation on the Tunbridge Wells Pre Submission Local Plan now underway will last to 4th June at 5pm. Capel Parish Council will continue to object to the plan as it affects this parish and will be responding accordingly. For residents it is vital that if you made a comment at the previous stage, you do so again. Details of how to do so are at  (follow the ‘Respond to Regulation 19’ button) or on the TWBC website where you can also find help if you are not online.

Plaque Cricket Club pavilion

Following some delay caused by the impact of lockdown on the manufacturing process a plaque has been installed on the side of the Pavilion commemorating the presentation of the Recreation Ground to the parish in 1932. This replaces the original which was lost some time ago. Thanks go to Don Foreman for his part in bringing this about.


Hugh Patterson