‘A Vision for Capel’ – please help us with your views.
At the time of writing the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party has met three times. The main focus at this early stage is to produce a ‘Vision For Capel’ which will enable us to present the views of Capel residents and business owners to the Borough Council planners and if necessary to a public enquiry on the Tunbridge Wells Local Plan should that be necessary.
In order for us to know more clearly what local people think the working Party has drafted a questionnaire which should be arriving on your doorstep during the month of August. Please take a few minutes to complete it and return it to us following the instructions provided. The more responses we have the more data we can use to outline to the planning authorities what the residents of the parish wish to see as the future of our community.
Other news:
There is a site meeting on the 15th July on the Recreation Ground to plan the installation of the new play area and zipwire. At present the work is planned for August – we hope to avoid damage to the recreation ground by accessing the site through the ‘boot fair’ field. Thanks are due to the landowners for facilitating this.
At the time of writing the existing play areas on the recreation ground are closed – the Parish Council intends to re-open them if the risk assessment suggests they can be made Covid secure.
Cllr Young has resigned from the council due to pressure of work commitments. The Council thank him for his service over the last four years especially in taking the lead with the modernisation of the Memorial Cottages and his chairmanship of the Staff Office and Administration Committee. Due to the Covid emergency laws there can be no by election until May 2021 (when the whole council is up for election in any case). The Council will need to decide whether to co-opt another member to replace Cllr Young at its next meeting.
The Parish Clerk will be on holiday for two weeks in August and working limited hours for the rest of the month. It may be that it will take us longer to respond to you than normal should you have a query. Please be understanding. Meetings of the parish council will continue by zoom for the foreseeable future. We anticipate the next full meeting of the council will be in early September. If you wish to take part joining instructions will be available from clerk@capelpc.couk.
Hugh Patterson