
Parish Chairman’s Notes June 2022

Parish Chairman’s Notes

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration: Queen’s Canopy Project – Five oak trees were planted on the afternoon and evening of Wednesday 27 April by representatives of the Parish Council, Five Oak Green Brownies and Rainbows, Capel Primary School, Capel Pre-school, and Five Oak Green Community Gardening. They will be unveiled at the community picnic on the afternoon of Saturday 4 June 2022 on the recreation ground. We understand the cricket club will open the pavilion bar and look to arrange some games. The Clerk is trying to find an organisation to arrange a BBQ and will ask the Brownies/Guides if they would like to have a fund-raising soft drinks and cake stall. The unveiling is due to take place at midday – please check noticeboards and social media for further updates. Please also note the Beacon lighting due to take place on Thursday 2nd at 9pm at Capel Church. Sunday June 5th has been set aside for street parties to be organised by residents.

The Parish Council have completed Hearing Statements for Stage 2 of the Local Plan – now rearranged for May to July. As previously advised, we will share the legal representation with Save Capel. The Parish Council were disappointed that the Inspector allowed the plan to pass the test of legal compliance, but we and Save Capel believe we have the evidence to undermine the ‘soundness’ of the Plan which is the legal test at the next stage.

The Neighbourhood Plan Working Party Visioning Workshop took place on 13 April. It was well attended, and the consultants are collating the information and feedback provided. At the time of writing a follow up workshop is planned for the 30 May provided the consultants can make this date. CPC is applying for further funding from Locality to support our employment of consultants and should hear the result of the application shortly.

A container funded by a generous local resident through the auspices of Capel Green Belt Society has been delivered to the allotments. We hope this will help increase security for tenants following the thefts and breaking in 2019. The council agreed to use remaining funds plus money from CPC to pay for a new noticeboard for the allotments.

Other matters:

At the meeting on 25th April a member of the public asked if the Parish Council could try and stop cars parking on the road and pavements along Five Oak Green Road and particularly near to the entrance for Falmouth Place which is affecting the sight lines at the junction. The clerk is following this up with parking enforcement. Members agreed to donate £500 to the Five Oak Green Girl Guides towards equipment and supplies. The Environmental Agency has completed the repair works to the bank at Alders Stream and has been able to carry out some more installations to the properties on the Flood Alleviation Scheme. The Clerk has asked the Schemes Engineer for a date in May 2022 to meet and discuss the Highways Improvement Plan. Parish Bus Stop Shelter Grant-  the Clerk is waiting for quotes for different types of bus shelter and for the application process to re-open.