Parish Chairman’s Notes May 2022
The Parish Council have already prepared the Hearing Statement for Stage 2 of the Local Plan Inquiry (see Borough Councillor’s Report). When we learn of the new timetable, we will consider whether it needs revising to take account of any new development. As previously advised, Capel Parish Council are sharing legal representation with Save Capel drawing from the sinking fund established for this purpose within the parish precept.
The Annual Parish Meeting took place on April 4th. This was the first since 2019 because of Covid restrictions. It was good to meet residents face to face again and around thirty residents turned up to hear presentations from the Friends of Five Oak Green Rec, Capel Green Belt Protection Society, and Capel Path Rangers, as well as to receive the Annual Report and accounts from the parish council. On the agenda was progress on the Neighbourhood Plan which now exists in draft form, and residents were informed about the ‘visioning evening’ on design codes which was due to take place on April 13th.
The Platinum Jubilee holiday weekend is due to take place from the 2nd to 5th June. On the evening of the 2nd there is due to be a beacon lighting ceremony at Capel Church. On the 4th the parish council intends to unveil the ‘Five Oaks for Five Oak Green’ planted on the Rec by local organisations and bought by the parish council as part of the Queen’s Canopy Project. We hope this will be an opportunity for residents to bring down a picnic as the pavilion bar will be open and we hope to arrange a barbeque to be available. Sunday June 5th is for street parties and the clerk recently sent out information on arranging those, via social media.
Other news:
A container paid for by a resident’s donation to Capel Green Belt Society is due to arrive on the allotments – this we hope will help make tenants’ equipment more secure.
Friends of Five Oak Green Rec have installed benches by the play area.
The Parish Council resolved to start the process of making the Queens Head an ‘asset of community value’ which would make it more difficult to change it to a residential use. This is the last pub in walking distance of Five Oak Green, and we would like it to be re-opened as a pub.
Hugh Patterson