
Parish Chairman’s Notes March 2022

The Public Inquiry on the Tunbridge Wells Local Plan is due to start on March 1st. At the most recent council meeting CPC agreed they would attend Stage 2 of the Inquiry relating to Tudeley, Capel Parish and the site at East Capel. Councillors resolved to employ the same counsel as engaged by Save Capel and contribute up to £20 000 to fees. This has already been budgeted for by the establishment of a sinking fund financed by the precept over the last two years.

Platinum Jubilee – the clerk has sent out information via social media to residents who wish to organise street parties on Sunday June 5th with instructions how to do this. Queries please to The council also decided to plant five oaks on the recreation ground [Five Oaks for Five Oak Green!] to commemorate the occasion. This will take place on June 4th, further details to follow.

The electric vehicle charging points by the Village Hall will now be installed in the next financial year as KCC has run out of money for this year.

The Parish Council are continuing to investigate installing a bus shelter by the Village Green. We need to ensure there is sufficient room on the pavement for the shelter and turning space for the buses.

Please see the separate page advertising the Visioning and Design codes workshop for the Neighbourhood Plan on March 12th. Please attend if you can. This will help guide the future development of our community.

Hugh Patterson