There are currently not enough volunteers for the CCA to run the village hall. When one of the current Trustees retires, (which has been postponed from the last AGM until after this meeting), there will be insufficient numbers to legally continue the duties of the Capel Community Association. This will mean that the hall will have to close until this is resolved.
We need to recruit some Trustees who act as managers and keep an overview of the CCA.
We also need more committee members to bolster the existing team who facilitate the running of the hall and deal with the day to day issues.
We need people to help with all the areas that the CCA encounters; building, maintenance, secretarial, finance, management, education, & community works to name a few.
There are many local clubs, and associations who use the hall as well as the Pre-School, and the loss of the village hall would be catastrophic for the community.
Please come to the meeting and see if you can help to keep it open.
Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting
Monday 6th February 2023 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm