The Capel Neighbourhood Plan (CNP) Referendum is on 5th September. Polls are open 7am to 10pm. You will need photo-ID to vote.
The Plan has been drawn up by parish councillors and residents. Work started in February 2020. The Plan is based on the results of the 2020 questionnaire, two public exhibitions/workshops and two rounds of consultation in 2023. The Plan was amended by an Examiner earlier this year to produce the final Referendum version. (N.B. This different from the Tunbridge Wells Local Plan still currently under examination). Further details are available at: which has a link to the Referendum version of the Plan on the TWBC website.
Everybody is encouraged to read the CNP in full. However, there are 157 pages, so a summary follows which is designed to enable readers to access the parts of the plan which interest them more quickly or survey the plan briefly.
The overall vision for Capel Parish is to maintain the rural nature of the community, enhance biodiversity and respect the nature of each community within the Parish and the Green Belt that surrounds it.
Altogether there are fourteen policies in the Plan (C1-14) designed to influence planning in the parish up to 2038.
C1 Housing calls for a higher percentage of smaller homes in any development together with local needs affordable housing (reflecting the results of the Vision for Capel Questionnaire in 2020 and the Housing Needs Assessment completed in 2021)
C2 and C3 deal with character, heritage and design ensuring that any future development reflects the historic character of the parish. The plan is also accompanied by detailed design guidance in a separate document. C4 deals with flooding – development should use a wide range of creative Sustainable Drainage solutions and demonstrate how their designs will enhance wildlife and biodiversity, and the historic environment. C5 lists heritage assets, rural lanes and routeways within the parish that need to be preserved and/or enhanced by any development. C6 states that improvements to the connectivity between local wildlife sites, other designated sites, wildlife areas and green spaces will be supported. It seeks to ensure biodiversity net gain. C7 attempts to manage the Environmental impact of any development ‘proposals should maintain and where practicable enhance the natural environment, landscape features and the rural character and setting of the neighbourhood area’. C8 Dark Skies policy aims to protect the night sky from light pollution. C9 lists 10 Local Green spaces which are protected from development. C10 protects ten locally significant views from development. C11 supports proposals for new community, recreational and leisure facilities, or the improvement of existing facilities subject to the criteria listed in the policy. C12 seeks to protect public houses within the parish. C13 seeks to ensure that sustainable travel is promoted for pedestrians, cyclists, and where practicable equestrian users. C14 promotes electric vehicle charging facilities. |
The policies are followed by Section 10 which deals with Implementation and review of the plan. If the referendum is successful, the plan will come into force immediately which will be several months (at the very least) before the Tunbridge Wells LP is agreed. There is a provision for a review of the CNP within 6 months of the TWLP being adopted so further policies related to the Strategic Site at East Capel (if it proceeds) can be bought within the Plan.
There are also a list of non-policy actions. These are a series of projects and activities that have been raised through the engagement process that complement the delivery of the Neighbourhood Plan but are not planning policies in themselves. These include traffic speed and volume and pedestrian safety, flooding related projects and additional community facilities. The actions identify the partners Capel Parish Council will need to engage with and the way these projects might be funded in the future.
There are a series of appendices which spell out in more detail the Heritage Assets (B), Green Spaces (C), and Views (D). Attention is also drawn to Appendix E which lays out the road and transport issues in Capel Parish.
The voting slip will contain the question: Do you want Tunbridge Wells Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Capel to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area? [YES or NO].
A hard copy of all relevant documents including the full version of the Referendum version of the CNP can be inspected at: Capel Parish Council offices at Capel Village Hall off Falmouth Place, Five Oak Green, TN12 6RD, during normal opening hours.
The plan will come into force only if there is a majority of YES votes. It also needs a minimum number of voters to participate (5%). Please ensure you have your say by voting in person on September 5th or by post. (You can apply to TWBC elections for a postal vote up to August 19th).
Please use the following links to access the various documents published during the development of a Neighbourhood Plan for Capel.
Capel Neighbourhood Plan Visioning and Design Workshop 13 April 2022 Report
Click here to see a copy of the slides and information from the Vision and Design Workshop held on the 30 May 2022 workshop 2 vision and design presentation copy
A Housing Needs Survey was carried out by AECOM in 2021. Please use the link below to see a copy of the report and recommendations.
Capel Housing Needs Assessment_Final Report
The Neighbourhood Plan Working Party have spent several months developing Design Codes in conjunction with AECOM.
We are now delighted to share this report with you
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (paragraph 126) notes, ‘good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, creates better places in which to live and work and helps make development acceptable to communities’.
Research, such as for the Government’s Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment has shown that good design of buildings and places can improve health and well-being,
increase civic pride and cultural activity, reduce crime and anti-social behaviour and reduce pollution.
This document seeks to harness an understanding of how good design can make future development as endearingly popular as the best of what has been done before.
Through the Department for Levelling Up, Housingand Communities (DLUHC) Programme led by Locality, AECOM was commissioned to provide design support to Capel Parish Council.
Following the analysis of the parish, a set of architectural and design qualities have been created. This set of qualities combined with good design practice have shaped the design principles that any development within Capel parish should follow in order to comply with this Design Guidelines and Codes document.
Capel Parish Council submitted the Capel Neighbourhood Development Plan to Tunbridge Wells Borough Council on 8 August 2023 in accordance with Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended).
The submitted Plan and supporting documents can be viewed on the Borough Council’s website at or on the Capel Consultation Page.
Clarification Note: The external examiner issued a clarification note on the 15 January 2024. The Parish Council responded to this on the 23 February 2024. Please click on the following link to see a copy of the response. Response to Examination Clarification Note_240215