
Local Plan Update – Inspector’s Indicative Letter

Just to inform you that the Inspector has published his indicative letter.

The Inspector has published his initial findings at…/ID-012-Inspectors…

The Parish Council is not quite celebrating yet as TWBC have to consider the findings. But at first glance it looks good news. The Inspector has suggested to the council that Tudeley Garden Village should be deleted if they want the plan adopted reasonably quickly as it is unsound and undeliverable as it stands. He does give them to other alternatives to provide more evidence (from where?) or to reduce the size in order to make it sound. But both of these would be time- consuming and uncertain to be approved. There are also major modifications needed to Paddock Wood and East Capel suggesting no housing in Flood Zones 2 and 3 (which covers most of East Capel) with major queries over secondary education provision and the impact on roads through FOG.

It is early days and we do not know how the planners will react but this has to be welcome good news for the local community and its future.

Well done to all in Save Capel and elsewhere who have put so much time, money and effort in fighting these proposals so far!