Responses to the recent Regulation 19 Consultation on the TWBC Local Plan can be viewed on the TWBC website. Some of the documents from developers and other organisations and individuals...
Tunbridge Wells Draft Local Plan
TWBC Local Plan – Regulation 19 Response
Capel Parish Council submitted their response to the Regulation 19 TWBC Local Plan objecting to the proposed developments at Tudeley and East...
TWBC Local Plan – please share your views!
As you may be aware the consultation on the pre- submission local plan started on 26th March and runs until 4th June. This coincides with lockdown and there are no public exhibitions which we might...
Parish Chairman’s notes
There will be no need for a Parish Council election on May 6th as there were only 8 nominations for the 9 seats on the Capel Parish Council. Your parish councillors after that date will be Maggie...
Tunbridge Wells Borough Council – Draft Local Plan to 2038
We have collected a hardcopy version of the Pre-Submission Local Plan which can be viewed in the Parish Office by appointment only. To reduce the risks from COVID-19 please only make an appointment...
Parish Chairman’s notes March 2021
Parish Chairman’s notes March 2021 Capel Parish Council are pleased to welcome Maddy Boyle as our new Parish Manager and Clerk (and legally the ’Proper Officer’). Maddy who started in her post...
Update on the Draft Local Plan from Save Capel
Tunbridge Wells Borough Council (TWBC) has released a draft of its Pre-Submission Local Plan (PSLP), which, if signed off by three Council committees between January 11th and February 3rd, is due to...
Invitation to view the Tudeley Village exhibition – 20th & 21st October
The Hadlow Estate are inviting residents to attend their physical exhibition of their work to-date, research and draft masterplan on either Tuesday 20th October or Wednesday 21st October 2020. To...
Capel Parish Council comments on draft Local Plan updated 10th November
Capel Parish Council response to Regulation 18 consultation on draft Local Plan COMMENT BOX 1: COMMENTS ON A PARTICULAR SECTION OR PARAGRAPH Section 2: Setting the Scene – Challenges and...
Capel Parish Council comments on Sustainability Appraisal – updated 31/10
Capel Parish Council response to the Sustainability Appraisal which accompanies the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Section, paragraph number(s), or site (including...