TWBC have published the responses to the Regulation 18 consultation carried out in the autumn. These are available on their website – in summary the feedback objecting to the plans for Capel Parish was overwhelming. There were 805 individual responses to the plans for Capel alone! This is by far the highest number of responses for any parish (e.g. Tunbridge Wells had less than 450 comments and no parish received more than 500 responses apart from Capel & Paddock Wood). Capel responses make up for nearly 30% of responses for the entire borough – the vast majority object to the planned developments. [Thank you to Jan Mueller of Save Capel for researching the figures].
At the time of writing Hadlow Estate are planning to carry forward their Charrette on the Tudeley site. The Parish Council have reluctantly decided to attend but have made it clear that they do not support these plans, or those for East Capel. Indeed, at the meeting on 24th February CPC passed a resolution calling upon TWBC to withdraw the draft Local Plan proposals in the parish given the proven vulnerability to flooding of both major sites.
Since writing this post, the Charrette has been cancelled.