
Flooding update – December 2019 / January 2020

There was major flooding in both East Capel and Tudeley, the sites proposed by the draft Local Plan for housing development in the week before Christmas. This is clearly another strong argument against the proposals in the plan, and we hope the Borough Council is paying attention. Fortunately, unlike previous years there was very limited flooding in Five Oak Green, and thanks must go to members of the Parish Council Flood Committee, Cllrs Mackonochie and Sawyer, and the other flood wardens for the actions they took in clearing the stream to prevent this. It is also pleasing that the flood defences in the village are now working more effectively than they did in earlier years. The tanker lorry in the middle of the village for the last three weeks at the time of writing is there because of a failure in the sewage system for which a replacement part is awaited.