Parish Chairman’s Notes October 2023
With no parish council meeting in August a quiet month for council business this is a shorter report than usual.
The next and final stage of consultation on the Submission Capel Neighbourhood Plan [Regulation 16] started in September and runs for a period of 6 weeks, to 5pm on Tuesday 17th October. Unlike the previous stage, which was organised by the Parish Council, this consultation is organised by the Borough Council planning department. All the relevant documents are on the TWBC website and portal under ‘Capel Submission Neighbourhood Plan 2023’. There have been some, mostly limited changes, since the pre-submission stage, but any resident can make comments and suggestions again at this stage. Consultees at the previous stage should have been notified by TWBC.
TWBC are providing a hard copy of all the documents in the Town Hall, and there will also be a copy available in the parish office. Please contact to arrange to see it.
Once the Regulation 16 Consultation is over the plan will proceed to an independent examination and then to a referendum of residents before it can be adopted as planning guidance for the parish.
The parish council are also providing a new water pump for the allotments which should be installed in the next few weeks.
The next Parish Council meeting is on Monday 30th October. This open to the public and due to start at 7:30 (after the parish planning committee – also open to the public). The meetings are in Capel Village Hall.
Hugh Patterson