Parish Chairman’s Notes February 2024
The CCA AGM is due to take place on the 19th February (details available elsewhere in this edition). You are urged to attend to hear about future plans for the Village Hall. The five existing Trustees need more assistance from those with the time and skills to offer, so please consider whether you can help. The future of our Village Hall is important to all residents. Alongside the short term issue of maintenance of the existing building, there is the commissioning design of its replacement/upgrade. At present the Parish Council is in discussion with the CCA on amendments to the 1973 lease which would allow these future works.
At the time of writing, we await the Clarification Note from the Neighbourhood Plan Examiner which was due early in the New Year. Once the Parish Council has received this we can comment on his observations. The Note was postponed from November until the Examiner was aware of the changes to the Tunbridge Wells Plan, as these had an important impact on Capel Parish.
The Parish Council have been contacted by Fernham Homes about building on the site at Tolhurst Road and, and at the time of writing, they were due to make a presentation at the Council meeting on January 29th. The site is in the MGB and is not included in the Tunbridge Wells Local Plan.
There are no further updates on the highway issues mentioned last month, though the portable Speed Indicator Devices for Five Oak Green Road are on order and expected in the early spring.
The KCC Contractor made a start at installing the ECV charging points at the Village Hall before Christmas. We hope that this will be completed before you read this article!
The next Parish Council Meeting is Monday 26th February at 7:30 (planning committee starts at 7:00). All residents welcome to attend.
Hugh Patterson
Do you want to become more involved with the life of your local community?
Why not become a parish councillor?
Elections are due for the parish council in early May. Some existing members of CPC may wish to retire at the end of their term and the council could always do with fresh ideas and new blood. There are nine councillors altogether. Could you be one of them? If you are interested, please contact Louise Goldsmith, Parish Manager and Clerk who can give you further information and supply you with nomination papers when the time comes. |