
Parish Chairman’s Notes November 2022

Parish Chairman’s Notes October 2022

Following the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II on the 8th September the Chairman sent a letter expressing condolences to His Majesty Charles III on behalf of the Parish Council.

The most recent Neighbourhood Plan working group met on October 4th. We discussed the emerging plan document drafted by our consultants and discussed the Highways and Transportation chapter and a draft questionnaire about the Village Hall. Members of the working party went away with a ‘to do list’ and will be meeting again on Tuesday November 1st. We hope to complete the initial draft of the plan and send it to the Borough for the initial stage of consultation by the end of the year. The working party also reviewed the Design Code and Guidance for the parish which is nearing completion.

Network Rail are looking to use the Village Hall car park for a staff accommodation pod and six car parking spaces, so they have a base on which to conduct safety work on the railway. Councillors thought this could be best accommodated on the now disused under fives play area. This would be a temporary arrangement for the first part of next year. Network Rail will be paying a licence fee which CPC would spend on a community project. A final decision by councillors is due at our next meeting on October 31st (Village Hall 7:30 – as always open to the public).

Other news:

The Automatic Traffic Count surveys started on 29th September. When we have the results, they will inform CPC’s negotiations with KCC about the projects we would like to proceed within our Highways Improvement Plan (HIP).

CPC agreed a response to the Local Government Boundary Commission – asking them to reverse their recommendation to combine Capel with Pembury in one ward for the election of Borough Councillors. We considered with only 26% of the population of the combined ward Capel’s views are less likely to be considered, and borough councillors would have difficulty effectively representing such a large and diverse area.

The council agreed to a Waiting Restriction Order in the far west off the parish next to the boundary with Tonbridge in the vicinity of Bishop Chavasse school. Double yellow lines along this short stretch would improve highway safety for the users of the school.

Work will be taking place in the Recreation ground to remove some overhanging tree branches at the request of the football teams that hire the pitch, as they make throw-ins difficult.


Hugh Patterson