Just to advise you that the Parish Council will be considering a response to the consultation you may have received at the next meeting due to be held in the village hall on Monday 27 November at 7.30pm. At this stage this is just an informal consultation and not a planning application.
Rydon Homes are looking to bring forward proposals for 140 new homes, public open space, flood attenuation measures, traffic calming and additional facilities for Capel Primary School on land within the parish at Finches Farm, Five Oak Green..
A consultation website, www.landatfinchesfarm.com is now available to view and includes a framework plan for the site, information about the additional facilities proposed for Capel Primary School and the proposed traffic calming measures, and an online feedback form. They are asking residents to submit their feedback (via the website, email or Freepost) by 6pm on Thursday 23 November.
The Parish Council has permission to respond to the consultation the 28 November and would welcome your thoughts so please do come along to the meeting. Louse (Parish Clerk)