Parish Chairman’s Notes July 2023
At the Annual Parish Council Meeting on 15th May the Chairman, Vice Chairman and all chairs of committee were re-elected. This provides continuity for the parish council in the last year of the present council’s term before elections in May 2024.
The new CCTV system has now been installed and is functioning. It covers the village hall, pavilion, car park entrance and the play area and MUGA. The camera system is more extensive and much more up to date than the previous one and should provide improved security to users of our facilities, and pictures that can be used by the police as evidence if needs be.
The Regulation 14 consultation on the draft Capel Neighbourhood Plan has now closed. The parish council is pleased with the level of responses and engagement the plan received. We will spend the next few weeks considering the responses and adjusting the plan in light of them and forthcoming ‘significant changes’ to the Tunbridge Wells Local Plan affecting the strategic sites in Tudeley and East Capel expected later in the summer. We expect the next stage of consultation [Regulation 16] which will be run by TWBC to take place in the autumn. Eventually the plan will go to a referendum of parishioners, probably next year. If the vote is in favour the CNP will be made and will help shape development in the parish over the next fifteen years.
The survey on a 40mph speed limit in Alders Road has also closed – 86% of responses were in favour. We will report on next steps as soon as they are known – we are aware that KCC Highways will expect the parish to pay for the survey, the equipment, and the Traffic Regulation Order.
The clerk together with Cllrs Patterson and Saunders met KCC’s public engagement officer to discuss the siting of a road crossing on the B2017 east of Sychem Lane and a third site for a portable Speed Indicator Device. KCC had previously approved two suggested sites – but three is the minimum requirement. We await KCC’s further response on this as we cannot purchase the equipment without KCC’s approval as to its siting.
Hugh Patterson