
Parish Chairman Notes June 2023

Nominations are now open for Citizen of the Year sponsored by BAM Network Rail. Nominations close on 23rd June and the Prize will be presented to the winner at the fete on July 1st. Details from

As part of a climate change initiative, we have arranged for an area of the Recreation ground to be left un mowed to start creating a wildflower meadow. The Recreation and Allotments working group will be discussing other options including a bee garden at its online meeting on 13th June. All welcome, further details from

Cllr. Saunders has planted the two oak trees on the recreation ground (see left). All seven oak trees bought for the Platinum Jubilee have now been planted. Capel Groundcare are preparing a design for a stand to display the ‘Queen’s Canopy’ plaque and to give background information about the five oak trees by the allotments, planted last year, and the two on the recreation ground. The ‘Five Oak Trees for Five Oak Green’ plus the two just planted each represent a decade that the late Queen was monarch. Collectively they will be known as the ‘Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Trees’.

Large numbers of residents enjoyed the ‘Big Lunch’ on May 7th to celebrate the coronation. Unfortunately, the anticipated cricket match had to be cancelled due to ground conditions after the recent wet weather. But the pavilion bar was open, and an impromptu softball cricket game was played and enjoyed by the many participants. A toast to the King’s health was drunk at 2pm.

By the time you read this:

The consultations on the Pre-submission Neighbourhood Plan (Reg 14) and the 40 mph speed limit on Alders Road will have closed. Thankyou to all who have taken part. Details of next steps will follow.

The Annual Parish Council Meeting will have taken place. A Chairman for 2023-4 will have been elected and councillors assigned to committees. This will be the last year before the next Parish election due in 2024. This is advance notice for anyone interested in standing for election next year – new candidates are always welcome, and we would like the parish council to be representative of the people it serves.

Hugh Patterson