
Parish Chairman Notes April 2023

The Annual Parish Meeting (APM) will take place on Monday 3rd April at 7:30 in the Village Hall. All Capel residents are welcome. The meeting will receive the Annual Report and accounts of the Parish Council. Carlos Hone, Head of Planning at TWBC, has been invited to update residents on the Tunbridge Wells Local Plan and how the council intend to respond to the Inspector’s letter which cast doubt on the proposed development in Tudeley, and directed the Council not to build on the floodplain in East Capel.

We also hope to have an update on the Capel Neighbourhood Plan at the APM. At the time of writing we await the informal comments of TWBC. Once we have had these the intention is to go out to the first round of public consultation, known as Regulation 14, which we hope will take place in the next few weeks.

The long saga of trying to persuade KCC to provide a crossing/traffic calming on the main road through Five Oak Green continues. The original starting point for the traffic calming scheme drawn up by CPC in 2018 was the need for a road crossing which KCC said could not be installed because the traffic was too fast. KCC have now told CPC that traffic calming is not possible as the B2017 is an arterial road…but perhaps we can have a crossing east of Sychem Lane. CPC have told them to investigate and tell us where a crossing could be, so that we can prioritise the safety and convenience of local residents particularly primary school children over the freedom of passing motorists.

CPC has also been told by Kent Highways that they will not be replacing the interactive speed indicator damaged and since removed last year. CPC will be allowed to install a mobile speed limit indicator at the parish’s expense (around £9 000) and the council meeting at the end of February agreed to proceed with this. Councillors also considered a strengthened Speed Watch programme would help in dissuading speeding motorists and have put out a call for more volunteers to help with this and with relocating the mobile speed indicator would has to be moved every few weeks. If you would like to assist, please contact

Other news:

CPC will be making a final decision on an upgrade to the CCTV system on the Recreation Ground. Our preferred contractor have now supplied us with a revised quote which will enable a much more effective monitoring of the allotments and car park entrance as well as the other areas on the recreation ground.

CPC have signed a legal agreement with KCC to install 2 electric car chargers at the entrance to the car park. The work should be carried out in the next few days.

A date for the diary:

May 7th will be the coronation weekend picnic on the Recreation Ground. We hope as many residents as possible will attend. The pavilion bar will be open and there will be a cricket fixture against Wateringbury to enjoy. The Village Hall will also be open in case the weather is not kind. The Parish Council hope to be giving away commemorative wrist bands to mark the occasion.

Hugh Patterson